Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sculpture -- "Protection"

Here is a statement Farhad made in reference to a sculpture he made early in his artwork: Creation of sculpture I call "Protection" "One rainy day I witnessed a young mother with her small baby in her arms slip and fall while crossing the street. She got up so quickly, no one had the time to assist her. Throughout the incident, the baby remained enfolded in the mother's arms, protected from harm. In my mind, I likened the baby to a seed. In nature, each seed has some sort of protections, and the basic shape of all seeds is similar. When I was in India, I became acquainted with the theory held by some that life began as a seed. Most human beings, consciously or unconsciously, have with themselves the desire to protect life (crossed out "life without love is, love and protection become almost one.") In many parts of the world, a soldier with a bayonet is a symbol of protection. All these related thoughts came to me that afternoon, sparked by the mother's fall, and they provided the central idea that motivated me to create, that evening, the sculpture illustrated below."

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