Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jewelry -- Farhad Statement

As for jewelry, here is a short statement Farhad made about working with the medium:

"Though my main interest is sculpture, I do enjoy working in silver. It allows me a certain amount of expression and acquaints me with the joys of pocket money as well. Though the size of my work must necessarily be small, my jewelry tends to retain sculptural quality. My designs are rarely geometrical. When I sit down to make a piece of jewelry, I must keep in mind that jewelry should enhance one's appearance. I generally begin by thinking of some natural or human form -- waves, stones, etc (the variety is infinite). In my mind I combine that idea with my knowledge of design, and when I have a form that seems satisfactory for execution, I usually make a sketch. When actually making the piece, I almost invariably deviate in some way from my original drawing.

In jewelry, I am necessarily limited by size and necessity to make something attractive. These limitations reduce the satisfaction that I derive from my work. I do, of course, retain the basic concept of my design. But, I am never as happy making a piece of jewelry for a specific purpose or person as I am working with the silver to satisfy my own creative curiosity."

Farhad fashioned jewelry in both silver and bronze.

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