Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Farhad Moezzi created his art in California from the mid 1950's until his death in 1974. Born in another country, unfamiliar with all the nuances of English, Farhad began to pursue art as a means of communication. Unfettered by "burr" for "bear," his art commented on the observations and aesthetics he beheld.

"In art I found my answer. For here was a language which could speak and encompass all nations, all peoples -- a language that could reach where words could not."

-- quote from Farhad Moezzi

Farhad began creating fine art when he was about 30 years old. His early works included small metal sculpture, jewelry, and ceramics.

Over the course of the next 25 years he experimented with a variety of mediums, but at his stride, he was most happy working with metal to create sculpture, much of it at a large scale. In 1968, he created "the foundry" in his studio for creating cast metal pieces, which often showed up as focal points in his columns.

Farhad was an explorer, artist, teacher, husband, and my Dad. I had only twelve years with him, as he died fairly young. I know him through our time together, through his art, through those who knew him, and through an understanding I gain as the years come in my life.

This website is functioning as "concept creator" for a book* I am working on of his sculpture. A two sentence conversation near the time of his death was had between my Dad and Mom, and I aim to help see that conversation to the desired outcome.

This site is arranged in chronological order for the most part. Farhad would create in various mediums simultaneously, and of course, he would build on his artistic visions with each piece. His techniques were mainly self taught, with his travels serving both as exposure to different cultures, but also putting him in contact with other artists and craftspeople with different backgrounds.

I know my words would fall short in describing the essence of my father. I can give you some facts, some images, and some quotes my mother captured. The main part of communication of Farhad with you shall be his art.

*(I printed the book in format has a different feeling than this blog of course,  with book layout perhaps easier to I edited more in the book, still plenty, but not as many pictures as on this blog). 

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